Enter our Annual Holiday Lights Contest - Entries Open Nov. 27

Last Updated: 
November 22, 2023

If you have decorated your home or business with lights for the holidays, you can enter our annual Holiday Lights Contest and possibly win a gift certificate for electricity! All you need to do is submit a photo of your holiday lights to us either through Facebook messenger or by email to pr@mea.coop. Photo entries will be accepted starting Monday, November 27th through Dec. 8th. All photo entries will be posted on our MEA Facebook page for members to like and vote on for their favorite lights. A first, second and third place winner will be chosen for the residential and commercial categories. Thanks for lighting up our communities and spreading holiday cheer!

All holiday lights contest entrants must meet the following criteria:

1) Must be an active MEA member whose primary residence or business is in MEA’s service territory.
2) Must be from decorations in the current (2023) year.
3) Entrants cannot be previous winner.
4) A business winner and residential winner will be selected by photo votes through our Facebook page.

How to submit your entry photo:

• Send your photo and information via Facebook messenger to the MEA Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/matanuskaelectricassociation

• Email your photo and information to: pr@mea.coop

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